IV Hydration Therapy

IV Hydration Therapy

Have you ever felt tired due to work or other stressors in your life? Have you ever felt that your body needed a nutritional boost to help rejuvenate and feel better? Have you been to the ER or urgent care with a viral illness and been amazed at how the IV fluids provided have rapidly improved your sense of wellbeing?

IV hydration therapy is a useful adjunct to basic nutrition and healthy lifestyle choices when stress or work has gotten the better of you.

At Principium, we provide infusions that replenish your body’s fluid balance, help boost resilience, and help you rejuvenate after travel, intense work, and other stressors.

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IV Hydration Therapies at Principium

Is a therapy aimed at restoring fluid and electrolytes to your body. Travel, poor sleep, low energy, over work, and stress, are often associated with dehydration. Dehydration, in turn, can affect electrolyte balance. The body’s metabolism cannot work properly without a proper electrolyte balance. Thus, when you are dehydrated, you tend to have low energy, poor concentration, and low mood. Replenishment IV therapy restores your fluid and electrolyte balance, improving energy, concentration, and overall wellbeing. This is an ideal treatment for those with jet lag, overwork, and high stress lifestyles.

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is a treatment aimed at boosting your body’s defenses to aging, stress, and illness. In addition to restoring your body’s electrolytes and fluid balance, Resilience IV provides your body with antioxidants. Antioxidants are natural compounds which capture toxic chemicals in your body called free radicals. Free radicals are the byproduct of your metabolism, but because they are highly reactive chemically, they have the potential to damage your cells, such as cells in your blood vessels and heart, brain cells, and skin cells. By providing you with natural anti-oxidants, this treatment helps your body resist the deleterious effects of free radicals. In addition, this infusion treatment provides your body with immune system boosters, such as vitamin C and minerals like magnesium, zinc, and selenium. This is an ideal treatment for those who are feeling run down after illness, those who wish to boost their body’s natural defenses, and those who wish to detoxify the body from the effects of free radicals.

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is a treatment aimed for those whose lifestyle may have led to dehydration, electrolyte imbalance, muscle soreness, and nausea. This can occur, for example, when you stay out too late socializing and become dehydrated. When you are feeling like you need help recovering from the effects of “partying,” this treatment infusion will replenish fluid and electrolytes, boost your immune system, provide light analgesia (pain relief), and reduce nausea (if needed). This is an ideal treatment for New Yorkers who work and play hard, and sometimes “burn the candle at both ends.”

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With each of the infusion therapies at Principium, Neuro-therapy add on treatment is available. Neuro-therapy treatment is an injection in the muscle of vitamins essential for the wellbeing of your nervous system, including your brain and spinal court (central nervous system) and the nerves throughout your body (peripheral nervous system). Vitamins provided in Neuro-therapy include B vitamins (such as vitamin B 12), thiamine and folate, and vitamin D. Neuro-therapy is aimed at optimizing your brain’s health.

Schedule an Appointment for Hydration Therapy in Midtown and Lower Manhattan

To learn more about IV Hydration Therapies at Principium or to schedule an appointment, please call 917-993-5018 or email info@principiumpsychiatry.com

Principium offers flexible weekday as well as weekend scheduling.

Principium offers four convenient locations; two offices in Manhattan, one near Grand Central Station and another office along Wall Street. In addition, we have an office in Greenwich Connecticut and Santa Monica California.


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